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ApexBusinessClub 横幅


ABC 金牌会员

ABC - 全球金融工具

Astra Capital 是 ApexBusinessCard“ABC”的项目经理,负责建立和促进亚洲企业家、企业和合格投资者之间的会员认可和关系。ABC 生态系统的建立是为了由会员为会员资助企业。ApexBusinessCard 是各种在线金融解决方案的工具。


农行金牌会员在新加坡和香港农行指定的托管银行至少保管有三十 (30) 公斤纯度为 999.9% 的金条。农行金牌会员的现金、股票、黄金或上述资产组合的最低存款额为 200 万美元。

ABC 金牌会员通过各自金融机构严格的 KYC“了解你的客户”合规流程获得会员资格认可,确保会员不会以任何方式违反 AML“反洗钱”和 CTF“反恐融资”规定并且行为良好。


首批 300 名 ABC 金卡会员为目标人群,为拥有全球商业交易的亚洲企业家。ABC 卡为他们在国际商业交易和旅行中提供便利、认可和安全。ABC 金卡会员总资产管理规模预计将超过6 亿美元

ABC 金卡会员可免费享受以下五项服务!
这些服务的通常费用为 20,000 美元




  • 在 24 小时内在线设立新加坡总部公司

  • 提供本地代理董事和公司秘书

  • 向公司注册处和税务部门提交会计和税务申报

  • 提供注册办公地址和法定代理服务

  • 所有 KYC 和批准流程均在线完成 - 无需身在新加坡!


通常总费用为 8,000 美元 - ABC 金牌会员可免费享受!

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  • 在美国和英国设立 USD、EUR、GBP 和其他货币的 IBAN 银行账户

  • 在您的办公室和家中舒适地进行数分钟的数字 KYC 和注册

  • 无需亲自前往银行预约,节省时间和成本

  • 通过 ACH、SEPA、SWIFT 进行支付,ABC 金牌会员之间的会员支付

  • 全天候,每周 7 天,一年 365 天提供服务


通常总费用为 3,000 美元 - ABC 金牌会员可免费享受!

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  • 安全、稳固和严格的亚洲顶尖银行城市的银行账户

  • 特别适用于全球贸易业务,特别是电子商务

  • 接受各种货币和系统的全球支付

  • 全球范围内在几分钟内无限制地汇款支付

  • 在线资金管理,可链接到在线会计

  • 在线 KYC 和批准流程,全面清算和合规


通常总费用为 3,000 美元 - ABC 金牌会员可免费享受!

Business Meeting


全球在线虚拟信用/借记 Visa/Mastercard


  • 在 200 多个国家的 4 亿多家商家接受

  • 会员和银行余额设定消费限额

  • 可用于旅行、购物、娱乐、支付等所有业务需求

  • 多种货币可利用实时本地汇率优势

  • 跟踪和管理支出和支出

  • 为不同类别的使用创建多个虚拟卡

通常总费用为 3,000 美元 - ABC 金牌会员可免费享受!

Business Meeting in Restaurant




  • ABC 金牌会员可获得高达资产净值的 5 倍的贸易金融资金

  • 对于全球贸易金融资金需求,北美地区是税收高效的选择

  • 从供应商获得优惠条件,节省公司现金

  • 减少预付款和全额资金的巨额资本成本

  • 进行回购交易以节约成本,降低风险,获得更多收益

  • 银行担保(BG)- 贷款、项目、履约的担保

  • 备用信用证(SBLC)- 长期订单、贷款的担保

  • 跟单信用证(LC)- 无需现金存款即可促进贸易


通常总费用为 3,000 美元 - ABC 金牌会员可免费享受!

Getting cash for an ATM machine

申请贸易融资,请 ABC 金牌会员在此提交申请表格

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You are thinking about taking your business to the next level. However, before expanding into a new international market, there are lots of challenges to consider, especially for SMEs and startups. The decision to go global is a huge step so being well prepared is very important for success.


For SMEs and startups looking to do so, opening a multi-currency global bank account can be a powerful expansion tool and an essential first step for growth. Before diving into what a global account is and the benefits of it, it is crucial to understand the differences between traditional, digital and virtual banking.

1 / What is Traditional Banking?

Traditional banking is often described as a bank that has a physical presence with a local banking license. These banks have been around for a very long time, have physical branches and offices in multiple places and many employees around the world. They mainly provide in-person banking and financial services such as opening a bank account and conducting a bank transfer. Over the past two decades, digital banking has disrupted traditional banking. Nowadays, most major banks around the world have a digital function. These banks have introduced online banking to adapt and keep up with the changes.

2 / What is Digital Banking?

Digital Banking involves the digitalisation of traditional banking products, processes and operations to serve customers through online platforms. Customers can easily conduct simple banking activities digitally through banking apps and web platforms on their devices. With the introduction of digital banking, customers can now access and manage all traditional services without the need to visit a physical bank branch. This saves them the hassle and offers greater convenience. Traditional banking requires a lot of paperwork, while digital banking is paperless and operated through an online platform.

3 / Digital Banking vs Virtual Banking

On the other hand, virtual banking is newer and more disruptive. In the past few years, many SMEs and cross-border companies opted for virtual banks when expanding abroad due to accessibility, flexibility, convenience and much more. SMEs often struggle to create a foreign bank account due to the onerous requirements by the banks. These major traditional banks charge ridiculously high fees for international transfers along with slow processing time and complicated procedures. Moreover, these banking transactions must take place during business hours, which may potentially cause delays. The introduction of virtual banking has taken the banking industry and financial sector by storm.

4 / What is Virtual Banking?

Virtual banking, a form of banking driven by FinTech innovations, exists fully online. These virtual banking service providers have no physical branches within a community or country. Everything can be operated virtually. From registering an account to day-to-day transactions and operations, customers do not need to interact with anyone in-person. Virtual accounts offered by fintech companies like the TranSwap Global Bank Account are designed to remove barriers and pave the way for SMEs to grow internationally.

5 / What does a Global Account offer?

The Global Bank Account allows our customers access to a free virtual bank account in Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, the European Union, Hong Kong, Indonesia and more. Additionally, our customers are also able to enjoy numerous benefits such as: 1. Flexibility: Everything is instant. You can pay, receive and hold up to 34 currencies anytime and anywhere. 2. Save on FX costs: You can easily convert and hold the currency when the exchange rate is in your favor. As a business owner, you spend less time worrying about currency fluctuations and unreasonable conversion fees. Instead, spend more time on growing the business and gaining an upper hand in managing foreign exchange volatility. 3. Centralized Account: You can save the hassle of juggling between multiple bank accounts to make global transfers. Our customers can access and track business finances anywhere in one single platform. You can make money transfers on the go. 4. Effective and convenient: For businesses looking to expand abroad, this would be a hassle-free alternative to securing local bank accounts in each country of operation. Need to pay a supplier in Singapore? Have a client in Hong Kong? You can manage cash flow smoothly and bolster your competitive advantage in local markets by paying and receiving money in local currency. 5. Cost-Effective: You can easily make international transactions with zero hidden costs and not having to maintain a minimum account balance. 6. Improved Digital Banking Experience: You never have to visit a physical branch and everything is paperless. You can avoid complicated forms or slow procedures. 7. Safeguarded Funds: As a global fintech company, TranSwap is regulated and licensed to handle money by central banks and regulators around the world. All funds are securely held with major global financial institutions. Most importantly, a global account makes it simple to ‘Go Global’. Ambitious business owners can now easily deal with international customers, suppliers and partners. For many SMEs and startups, a global account can act as a catalyst for global expansion.

6 / So how do I get started?

Register for a ABC Gold Member Account in 4 Simple Steps: 1. Sign up for a ABC Gold Member account 2. Submit Form 3. Wait 2 business days for your account to be processed. 4. Your global account is ready! You can start paying, receiving and collecting money from anywhere in the world. If you are thinking about expanding and taking your business to the next level, opening a global bank account is a good start. It offers flexibility, functionality, transparency, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. XXXX’s multi-currency global account is easy to register and it only takes a few minutes to set up. Click on "Apply to be ABC Gold Member" Now.

Register for a ABC Gold Member Account in 4 Simple Steps:

1. Sign up for a ABC Gold Member account

2. Click on 'Apply to be ABC Gold Member' button.

3. Wait 2 business days for your account to be processed.

4. Your global account is ready! You can start paying, receiving and collecting money from anywhere in the world.

If you are thinking about expanding and taking your business to the next level, opening a global bank account is a good start. It offers flexibility, functionality, transparency, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. XXXX’s multi-currency global account is easy to register and it only takes a few minutes to set up.


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